
. Nathaniel P. Stern and Jesse Berezovsky. “Optical, Electrical, and Magnetic Properties of Spintronic Devices.” In Nanotechnology: An Open Text, online textbook coordinated by the National Nanotechnology Infrastructure Network,...


. Nathaniel P. Stern, David W. Steuerman, Shawn Mack, Art C. Gossard, and David D. Awschalom.  “Time-resolved dynamics of the spin Hall effect.” Nature Physics 4, 843 (2008).Related News and Views article: M. Duckheim and D. Loss. Nature Phys. 4, 836...


. Daniel J. Alton, Nathaniel P. Stern, Takao Aoki, Hansuek Lee, Eric Ostby, Kerry J. Vahala, and H. Jeff Kimble. “Strong interactions of single atoms and photons near a dielectric boundary.” Nature Physics 7, 159 (2011)....


. Nathaniel P. Stern, Daniel J. Alton, and H. Jeff Kimble. “Simulations of atomic trajectories near a dielectric surface.” New Journal of Physics 13, 085004 (2011)....


. Clement Lacroûte, Kyung Suh Choi, A. Goban, Daniel J. Alton, Ding Ding, Nathaniel P. Stern, and H. J. Kimble. “A state-insensitive, compensated nanofiber trap.” New Journal of Physics 14, 023056 (2012)....