Fun BBQBackyard BBQ, 2019 fun1Backyard gathering dinnerbigThe OG team Jovan PhD hoodingJovan PhD hooding Jovan PhD hoodingJovan PhD hooding Jovan PhDJovan PhD Jovan and NateJovan and Nate Jovan PhDJovan PhD Jovan and NateJovan and Nate Jovan PhDJovan PhD Jovan PhD hoodingJovan PhD hooding New Lab Construction – Mudd Library img5Gutted building img4Gutted building img3Gutted building img2Gutted building img1Mudd Building The Old Lab in Technological Institute – F Wing img8 img7 img6 img5Lab white board img4 img3 img2 img15 img14 img13Hood img12Furnace img11Ultrafast laser img10The original Montana setup img1Ready for construction