The Stern Research Group
Welcome to the Stern Research Group!
The Stern Group studies quantum interactions in nano-scale photonic and spin systems. We primarily develop hybrid optical and electrical tools with spatial and temporal resolution to probe emergent quantum states in engineered photonic and material systems.
News-Carin paper
Carin’s paper on photon emission in TMDs is on arXiv! Check it out!
Carin’s paper on photon emission in TMDs is on arXiv!
News-US Tech Hub
News-Hongfei Defense
News-Carin Rapid Fire
Welcome to the Stern Research Group!
The Stern Group studies quantum interactions in nano-scale photonic and spin systems. We primarily develop hybrid optical and electrical tools with spatial and temporal resolution to probe emergent quantum states in engineered photonic and material systems.
News-Carin paper
Carin’s paper on photon emission in TMDs is on arXiv! Check it out!
Carin’s paper on photon emission in TMDs is on arXiv!
News-US Tech Hub
News-Hongfei Defense
News-Carin Rapid Fire